Kidneys form the functional block of human excretory system. They are paired organs and essentially responsible for not only the production of urine but also for several other homeostatic functions. They are located in the retroperitoneum behind the abdominal cavity. They are bean like in shape and they excrete urine into Ureter which empties into urinary bladder. For more information click here. Following is a list of common Kidney ailments.
Urinary Bladder is essentially a flexible muscle sac which collects the urine from the Kidneys through ureter before urination. For more information click here. Below listed are a few bladder ailments.
For a complete guide on bladder health click here ***************************************************************************************************
Kidney Stones
Kidney Stones are developed from crystals which are formed from concentration of dissolved substances in urine.They not only obstruct the flow of urine but also cause acute pain in the back or to the side.Blood in urine, nausea, vomiting accompanying the pain are a few symptoms of Kidney Stones. Click here to find more about kidney stones.