----You need to consult a Urologist immediately if you have any of the following symptoms. We maintain that the list provided here is not comprehensive and we advice everyone to check with the urologist for appropriate diagnosis.
A. Symptomes of Enlarged Prostate Gland
Burning and pain during urination
Passing urine more than three times at night
Straining during urination, thin and interrupted strem
Urgency and spontaneous urine leakage
Red/dark colored (may be cancer) or milky white urine
B. Sudden severe pain in Abdomen(may be stones)
C.Sexual problems in Men,inability to have children (may be varicocele)
D. Pediatric Urology : Presence of only one testicle by birth, any problem in penis or frequent urine infection in children
E. Female Urology: Leaking of urine while coughing,sneezing or straining( Stress incontinence) and urinary infections